
Welcome to the Writing Team's Mary Magdalene ~ Empty Tomb Lesson Set.

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Mary Magdalene: Meeting Jesus at the Empty Tomb

Lesson Summaries


Writing Team Lesson Summary and Bible Background docs are open to the public. The lesson plans themselves are accessible only by our amazing Supporting Members who make this website and ministry possible. Join today.

What sets the Writing Team lessons apart? They're creative, detailed, and full of life application and age-adaptations. And they come with a rich and devotional style Bible Background with insights you can bring right to your kids. Traditional Sunday Schools can pick one or more of the six lesson plans for a wide age range. Rotation-style Sunday Schools will find six creative workshops -each designed to complement the others, and every one written, edited and peer-reviewed by experienced Rotation modelers.

Scripture and Background

Bible Story: John 20:1-18

Bible Background and Lesson Objectives (open to all)

Lesson Plans in this Set

Art Workshop dishgardenStudents create a special "Empty Tomb Dish Garden" that goes home to remind them of Mary and Jesus' special story. Step by step pictorial instructions, a complete supply list, and a special "Me at the Empty Tomb" reflection.

Bible Skills & Games Workshop How well do you know the story of Mary Magdalene and Jesus at the Empty Tomb? You'll find out when you play a special Empty Tomb game created just for this lesson. It makes a great take-home piece too. A "stone" reflection examines the idea that Christ's tomb is a metaphor for our own. What's seals us in? What waits for us on the other side of believing?


Computer or Presentation Workshop Projecting with a single computer or running on several computers, the teacher guides the students through the four Gospel accounts of the Empty Tomb. Using questions about the story pulled from the parallel accounts (presented on the screen side-by-side), students will discover the interesting and sometimes confusing differences in the Empty Tomb stories -and learn what matters most. The Bible study uses the Life of Christ software, and the Reflection activity uses Kid Pix with a special Empty Tomb background graphic (provided) to explore the idea of "our" tomb and the stone Jesus rolls away for us.

Drama "Newsroom" Workshop 1stChristNewsDid you know there was another group of disciples who visited the tomb that morning!? You'll learn all about them when your kids produce their own TV News Show of the Empty Tomb story. They'll interview Meri Missed-it-all, Peter the Pebble, and Johnny Diss-ciple who have a lot of excuses for why they missed out on the greatest event in history, and in their personal lives. A fun script to complete and simple staging make this a memorable Drama Workshop lesson.

Music Workshop "Mary, will you go?" This creative Music Workshop gets your kids re-thinking the words to the popular Christmas song, "Mary Did You Know?" Using a special handout with suggestions, they'll turn it into a powerful "earworm" about Mary Magdalene's experience, and the thoughts that must have been racing through her heart as she found the tomb empty and spoke to the Risen Jesus. Includes easy-to-play downloadable soundtracks, and lots of options for younger kids.

♫ Original Mary Version: "This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you." ♫
  ♫ Mary Magdalene Version: "This savior God delivered, has now delivered you." ♫

Video Workshop This lesson features two great video choices for older kids about Mary Magdalene's story, and a great video suggestion for younger children as well. The lesson's reflection features a quick "make a video" project using your cell phone and ideas your kids came up with during the Bible study. (The lesson also reviews several other Jesus movies with regard to their Empty Tomb stories.)



Images (4)
  • EmptyTombGame-ExampleGraphic
  • 1stChristNews
  • dishgarden
  • MaryAtEmptyTomb
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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