
Welcome to the Writing Team's
"Anointing of David" Lesson Set!

Many of the lesson plans in this David Set are open to the public. Some are only open to Supporting Members.

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Lesson Set Summary
The Anointing of David
"...the Lord looks on the heart."


 Several of the following Writing Team lesson plans are marked "Open to Guests and Members."   Normally, you must be a Supporting Member to access Writing Team lesson plans. Become a Supporting Member today.


 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Key/Memory Verse: "For the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."  1 Samuel 16:7b (NRSV) Younger classes may want to use the CEV translation: "The Lord told Samuel, 'People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts.'

Bible Background for Teachers

A reflective commentary on the Old Testament story of David’s anointing, including the Scripture passages, the key/memory verse(s) and the Goals/Objectives for this Rotation Lesson Set. Distribute this material to all of your workshop leaders. It has some terrific insights they can share with students. Open to Guests and Members.  

Art Workshop 1

Students create "Outside - Inside" boxes of images as a reminder of what people see versus what God is looking for in the heart. This lesson also demonstrates creative techniques for introducing the story and for reading the scripture.

Art Workshop 2

The children will create a "tri-fold" "triptych" to tell the story of David. You have two types of "triptych" styles to choose from:  a three-part fabric wall hanging (as a group project) OR folded wood panels (as individual projects).  "Triptychs" were familiar in ancient sanctuaries and homes. 
Open to Guests and Members.  

Bible Skills & Games Workshop 1

Students will open with a "post-it note" activity and "heart shaping" demonstration, followed by a reading, then a quiz game of  "Hearts for God Jeopardy!" to learn and remember story details.   A younger child's grab bag scripture game is described in the adaptations section. 
Open to Guests and Members.  

Bible Skills and Games Workshop 2

Play the game "Wheel of Fortune" to learn and remember the story of David's anointing, along with two extra "Bible skills" and "memory" teaching games: Guess About Me game, and The Gum Game.

Computer Software Workshop

Use the Life of David software to learn about how God chooses leaders, and rate where their own heart is right now. 
Open to Guests and Members.  

Cooking Workshop -- (2)

Cooking [1]
Learn about the use of anointing oil in the story of David and its function in the church today and make bottles of scented oil to take home. 

Cooking [2]
Make two batches of muffins – one with oil and one without – and compare the results to the story of David to discover that what’s inside is more important than what appears on the outside.

Drama Workshop

Retell the story of David’s anointing through a fun and very memorable dramatization of 1 Sam 16. 
Open to Guests and Members.  

Photography Workshop

In this fun and creative lesson, students will create a Gallery of Campaign Posters featuring "Assistant Kings and Queens with a Heart for God" using a digital or cellphone camera.

Puppet Workshop

Explore the theme of “seeking after God’s own heart” through a game of “Simon Says,” puppet scenarios involving developmental assets as both stumbling blocks and building blocks, and a puppet skit on following.

Science Workshop

Take part in some science demonstrations that show that unexpected results can occur; perhaps not what was expected! Make predictions about these experiments: floating a can of regular Coke® vs. a can of Diet Coke®, and mixing together reactive chemicals. Participate in the demonstrations and equate their findings to God having unexpected plans for David. Discuss how God has plans for their lives that may seem unexpected.

Storytelling Workshop

For non-readers, how to present a “Godly Play” -style version of the story of David’s anointing.

Video / Audio Visual Workshop

View portions of the surprisingly biblical movie, King David ,with Richard Gere (Paramount Pictures, 1985). Outline and discussion questions.

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  • WT-David
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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