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Jesus in Gethsemane

Summary of the Lesson Set


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Set Highlights and Comments

In this lesson set, the Writing Team focuses on the reality of Jesus' struggle, and the example he gave us by taking his fear and struggle to God in prayer. The Team's rich Bible Background takes a deeper look at Jesus' words in Mark and the Garden setting, and comes up with some great teaching insights and surprising conclusions that find their way into each lesson plan in an exciting way.

  • In Video and Computer workshops, the Team has incorporated activities that include powerful music videos that speak directly to what the story is about.
  • In the Art Workshop, we detail a great mosaic stepping stone project that could also be used as a family or all-church happening.
  • In the Drama Workshop, we have some poignant "skit fun" with the problem of being "asleep" in our faith.
  • In the Bible Skills Workshop, we have created a special presentation that a savvy teacher can use to do an important word-study in Mark's passage and introduce your 21st Century Bible students to great online Bible tools!
  • The Cooking Workshop gives prayer pretzels a new twist, ...and includes a great opening demonstration about the "weight" of tough decisions.

Bible Background and Lesson Objectives

The Bible Background doc is open to the public. It provides teachers with important and fresh insights into this story that they can directly share in the classroom.

Scripture for the Lesson

Mark 14:32-42 (NIV) 
We chose Mark for its brevity over the very similar versions in Matthew and Luke. Breaking with our tradition of using the NRSV, we are recommending the NIV translation of this story because the NIV uses the word "will" --the more common and often repeated translation of verse 36.

Key/Memory Verse:  36 “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Lesson Summaries

Mosaic-YourWillArt Workshop

We've created a detailed, step-by-step "Mosaic Garden Stepping Stones" project that reminds us of Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane and the choices we too are called to make. Even includes a "how-to" video!

A Special Bible Skills Workshop

This unique lesson has links built into it for the 21st-century teacher to show online Bible study tools and scripture to their 21st-century student-translators, We even show you how to connect to the web in a classroom that isn't yet wired for it! The printable packet of materials can also be used offline and has a unique set of images to help propel your discussion of this powerful story and word study insights.

pretzel-girlA "Weighty" Prayer-Pretzel Baking Workshop

Students will participate in a "weighty" physical demonstration as part of their study, and make and bake "praying pretzels" to remember that Jesus turned to God in prayer to strengthen his resolve at a difficult time in his life, and so should we. Our pretzel instructions are detailed and designed for a Sunday School classroom!

asleep1Drama Workshop

We've created some fun skits that explore "sleepy excuses" and disciples sleep-walking. This lesson also has a story-tellers version of Jesus in the Garden that fills in the story in a way that's especially helpful to younger children. This lesson also ends with an interesting prayer movement/posture demonstration.

KidPixSlideKid Pix Computer Workshop

We've designed this lesson for a group gathered around one computer or a lab of two or more computers. The lesson uses Kid Pix, one of the most popular children's illustration programs in public school and Sunday Schools. This unique lesson blends the use of a terrific music video with Kid Pix's "text talking" tool.

Video & Music Workshop

cupfaceThis workshop features one of the best videos and songs of Jesus in Gethsemane ever put on film. It compares the scripture to the lyrics. It digs into Jesus' state of mind and what was at stake that night in the Garden. It also includes a hands-on demonstration of what Jesus meant when he spoke of the "cup" he asked God to take away from him.

As always, each Writing Team Lesson Plan contains "Adaptations for Younger Students" and "Adaptations for Those Short on Time." 

Several of the lesson plans have printable resource handouts for teachers and students.


Images (7)
  • KidPixSlide
  • asleep1
  • pretzel-girl
  • Mosaic-YourWill
  • cupface
  • JesusGethsemaneLogo
  • JesusGethsemaneLogo-Icon
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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