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You are viewing the summary of what's in the Writing Team's "Last Supper" Lesson Set. Writing Team lesson plans are open to Supporting Members.  Become a Supporting Member today! Writing Team

Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper

Summary of the Lesson Set

Scriptures referenced in these lessons

LastSupperLogoPrimary Scripture:  Matthew 26:17-30
The Bible Background elaborates on the variety of scriptures we have to work with in teaching this story and why we chose Matthew as our "go to" text for most of these lessons. Here are the other scriptures referenced or "touched upon" in the various lesson plans in this set.

Referenced: Luke 22:7-20, various workshops.

Referenced: John 13:1-30  Jesus washes Peter's feet. This Last Supper story of preparation and instruction is referenced in the Computer, Seder, and Video workshops.

Referenced: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26  Paul's version of the "words of institution," i.e. "what Jesus said over the bread and cup." This scripture is used in the Games Workshop.

Referenced: Exodus 12's Passover story. This scripture is referenced in the Seder, Puppets, and the Bible Game workshops. 

Summary of Lessons & Resources in this Set

Lesson Objectives and Bible Background

Our Bible Background provides a level of detail about the story and its meaning that is of great help to teachers. In addition, the Background is written to get to the heart of the matter —the life application for children of the Sacrament of Communion and the story from which it springs. Ecumenical, inspirational, and full of teachable content.

Art Workshop

Students will design and sew a Communion cloth that visually represents words and ideas from the scripture and meaning of the story.

Bible Skills & Games Workshop

Students will take part in a "Big Bible Board Game" all about the Last Supper and Lord's Supper, and conclude with a fun memory contest focusing on the meaning and memory of the phrase, "Do this in remembrance of me."

Computer Workshop (for one laptop or multiple computers)

shelbotThrough a series of interactive and animated quizzes and games, students help teach the robots on the Planet Whammo the story of the Last Supper and explore its connection to Passover. Can be used on multiple computers or shown on one.

sederPassover Seder (Drama) Workshop

Students help set the Passover Table and participate in a Seder meal like the one Jesus and disciples celebrated at the Last Supper. This lesson contains a reproducible Seder script (liturgy) adapted from traditional Seder scripts in a way that's kid-friendly and allows you to conduct the Seder within a typical Sunday School class time.

Music Workshop

Using a helpful handout, students engage in the time honored-practice of coming up with new lyrics for familiar tunes, this time, writing a Communion Hymn using one of the most popular and well-known hymn tunes, Beethoven's Ode to Joy (Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee). This lesson gets your kids singing in class and recommends use of the "new" hymn at your next Communion service.

Puppet Workshop

This workshop takes a fun and creative look at various episodes in Jesus' life that involved BREAD, and concludes with Jesus and Bread at the Last Supper.

"Science" Memory Workshop

Students will progress through a series of memory games (demonstrations) to learn how "knowing the story" of the Lord's Supper helps us unlock its meanings, and how they can become un-distracted participants in its celebration.

Video Workshop

jesusvideoAfter previewing many videos, we found one that's modern, kid-friendly, and strong on life application.  Our lesson plan includes outline of the video and a "meaningfully-fun" reflection activity. This particular lesson and video includes a look at the meaning of Jesus washing the disciple's feet (John 13) at the Last Supper.

Additional Lesson Resources and Links

The Team has compiled a terrific list of recommended Last Supper lesson ideas, videos, projects, and online resources. Updated!

Creative Ideas for Communion Instruction

A list of lesson ideas and resources for those with a program of "Communion Instruction."  Includes a children's sermon and/or dramatic demonstration (object lesson).

All images in this set, unless otherwise noted, are in the public domain or used with permission, or under "fair use." Hands holding bread (used in the logo) courtesy of Gustavo D' Nucci.


Images (4)
  • jesusvideo
  • shelbot
  • seder
  • LastSupperLogo
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
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