Writing Team
Micah 6:7-8 "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly"
Lesson Summaries
"You could read the entire Bible to find out what God wants,
or you could just read Micah 6:7-8."
~Excerpt from the Writing Team's Micah 6:7-8 Bible Background
The Writing Team has written six creative and broadly-graded lesson plans for Sunday School about these amazing and foundational verses, focusing on students understanding the meaning of their special words and remembering them. Each lesson comes with grade, class-size, and length adaptations and lots of detail.
Be sure to read our note about recommended translations in the Bible Background, and why we think it's important to include verse 7 with the more famous verse 8 in your teaching.
Read the Bible Background for more teaching insights, relevant Bible history, and insights into Micah's message.
- Each lesson features a creative scripture memory activity.
- Lessons feature a creative opening, method of reading scripture, or both!
- A key technique found in several lessons involves the playful use of synonyms to help children unpack the important concepts of "justice," "kindness (mercy)," and what it means to "walk humbly with" our God.
- The Bible Skills and Games Workshop takes an extra creative dive into "who" Micah was, "where" you can find him in the Bible, and "what" was the situation in Judah and Israel that prompted God's message (Micah spoke during a pivotal time in biblical history).
- If you aren't using the Workshop Rotation Model, we recommend scheduling at least two of these lessons back to back for maximum learning and retention.
The Lesson Summaries
Scripture: Micah 6:7-8 (NRSV)
Key Memory Verse: "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love kindness,* and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
*Note: In verse 8, some Bible translations use "mercy" rather than "kindness." They are the same word in Hebrew.
Students will create their own Do, Love, and Walk Collage that captures their understanding of Micah's memorable words and shares them through art.
Bible Skills and Games Workshop
Students will play several games that explore who Micah was, where in the Bible his book can be found, and what was happening that brought about his prophetic words. They'll play fun "memory cup" games to remember Micah's essential words.
Baking Justice and Kindness Workshop
Students will use a special recipe to mix, bake, and share a special batch of "Micah Message" cookies that have a hidden message inside. They also play "spatula" games that explore the meaning and reinforce the memory of Micah's message.
Students will pick up God's beat for justice and kindness using hammers, blocks, and bells to both read the scripture and play "If I Had a Hammer." This lesson includes a special opening object lesson about tools for building God's better world.
Memory Tech ~ Computer Workshop
This lesson offers three different software options for studying and remembering Micah's immortal words: (1) Use the popular "Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory Game" software (free to Supporting Members), (2) Use a terrific free "word cloud" website, or (3) Use Kid Pix illustrating software.
Students will enjoy and discuss three free video "shorts" we've bookmarked on YouTube, then finish by recording their own "Micah 6:8 Video Shorts." One of the video shorts comes from the kid-favorite movie Despicable Me 2!
Writing Team Members for this set:
Dena Kitchens, Luanne Payne, Amy Crane, Neil MacQueen
The Writing Team is composed mostly of volunteer writers with creative lesson writing experience and guided by our Lead Writer and Board. The process is collaborative and each lesson is peer-reviewed. Each Team is charged with going the extra creative mile, creating engaging approaches throughout the lesson plan (and not just in the main activity). and to demonstrate techniques that teachers can use with other lessons. Lessons are written with mid-elementary age students in mind, with adaptations included for younger, older, smaller classes, and those with less or more class time. The theology is mainstream with an emphasis on remembering and life application.
Read this post if you are interested in helping on a future "WT" and jump-starting or expanding your creative lesson skills!