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Palm Sunday: Jesus is the One!

Summary of the Lesson Set


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The story of Palm Sunday is found in slightly different versions in all four Gospels. Most of the Writing Team's Palm Sunday Lessons focus on Luke's account because it includes Jesus' key encounter with the complaints of the Pharisees and his response that God will make the stones cry out. Two of the lessons compare the four versions. One of the lessons has the kids reworking Matthew's version which includes the use of palms in the story. And another lesson focuses on Jesus' lament about the things that make for peace (i.e. real Hosanna).


Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10 ; Luke 19:28-44; and John 12:12-19.
(And Psalm 118 in the Drama Workshop.)

Memory Verses:

“Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Matthew 21:9 

"Some of the Pharisiees in the crowd said to Jesus, 'Teacher, rebuke your disciples!' 'I tell you,' he replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.'"  Luke 19: 39-40

"As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, "If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes."  Luke 19:41-42  (This is the memory verse for the computer workshop.)

Rotation Objectives

Read the Bible Background and Objectives


The Bible Background is a "must read" review of the Bible Story, Key/Memory Verse(s), and detail of the learning objectives for this lesson set. It includes a commentary on the scriptures and reflection on the meaning of Palm Sunday for teachers and students.

Palm Sunday is more than a "parade of followers," it was a point of decision for Jesus, for the crowd, and is still a point of decision for us today.  Thousands of pilgrims were coming to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and still come to our churches today. Jesus had been there before, ...but never like this —never riding like a king.    Is he your king?  —or not?  Are you willing to shout aloud that you need him to save you? (Hosanna" means "Save us now!")   Do you understand what kind of "saving" this Messiah is talking about?

Workshop Lesson Plans in This Set

Art (Paper Making) Workshop

Using a traditional and kid-friendly paper-making technique, students will create their own colorful palm paper to make a vivid reminder of the story and its meaning.  

Hosanna-PeaceBible Skills & Games Workshop

Students will dive into all four versions of the story through a fun Bible Quiz Game that includes reflection on the story's meaning for us today.

Computer Workshop

This computer lesson focuses on the last two verses in Luke's Palm Sunday story —which are often overlooked.

Cooking Workshop

Students will prepare, cook and eat Heart of Palm Dip, discussing and deciding if they have a "heart of palm."

Creative Writing (Sign Making) Workshop

Students will creatively read and modify the passage, then write/create a collection of large "Jesus Rally" signs that express key ideas in the story and the meaning of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem for us today.  The signs can be part of a worship service experience or Palm Sunday display in the church hallway.

Drama Workshop

"Psalm Sunday"  -- Students will dramatize Psalm 118, the psalm of a king riding to the Temple, and learn how it was very likely on Jesus' mind as he rode into Jerusalem.

WT-PalmStorytelling & Stone Art Workshop

Students will design and create a "parade of stones" and they will learn the great promise that even if their faith feels like a dense rock, God can even make stones sing.

Video Workshop

Students will watch and discuss scenes contrasting portrayals of Jesus on Palm Sunday, one from Jesus Christ Superstar, and two scenes from "Son of God" (2014). They will answer the question, "Why were some people afraid of Jesus?" and "What do I risk in following him?" 


Images (2)
  • Hosanna-Peace
  • WT-Palm
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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