The "Geo-Logos" Art Workshop Lesson You're in for a treat! The "Geo" in this lesson's title stands for "geography" because this special lesson explores the fascinating and informative geography of the Good Samaritan parable. The "Logos" (word) in this lesson takes your kids "down the Jericho Road" that the priest and Levite were traveling, and bridges the geographic and religious "split" between the Judean Jews and Samarian Jews. Like the parable itself, the geography behind the story...
"Parable of the Good Samaritan" Lesson Set from the Writing Team
Five different and very creative Rotation Model-style lessons, each teaching the story with a different teaching medium, plus a "Mission" Workshop full of suggestions, and a Good Sam Children's Sermon! The Lesson Summaries and Bible Background are open to all. The lesson plans are open to our amazing Supporting Members who make this site possible. Join today!