Writing Team Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin A Movement & Music Workshop (or A Children's Worship Activity) Summary of Activities Students will learn and celebrate the Parable of the Lost Sheep and its meaning using a free video from New Walk K!ds Worship that shows simple body and hand motions for the hit contemporary song "Reckless Love of God" by Cory Asbury. They will reflect on how they are the lost sheep and the lost coin as they sing an alternate version of...
Welcome to the Writing Team's Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin lesson set! Seven wonderfully creative and diverse Sunday School lessons for two of the most important parables Jesus ever taught. The set includes a Bible Background for teachers and Lesson Summaries that everyone can read, as well as a collection of "Additional Ideas and Resources" the Team couldn't fit in all the lessons. The lesson plans themselves are open to our amazing Supporting Members. Join now
Each lesson is broadly graded, with grade and class size adaptations, and options for those with less or more class time.