Writing Team Psalm 23 A "Scripture Mystery Box" Workshop a "hands-in" learning experience Summary of Activities Students will participate in a "hands-in" reading and exploration of Psalm 23 using special "Mystery Boxes." Using only their hand and sense of touch to identify the verses inside each sensory box, they will then sequence the boxes in the correct order and then discuss what each verse object means to us today. About the Mystery Boxes The Mystery Boxes are created in...'s Sunday School Lesson & Resource Forums

We are an online community of Sunday School teachers, Christian educators, and pastors creating, collecting, and sharing free and premium Sunday School lesson plans, creative ideas, and discussion. We are also the official website of the Workshop Rotation Model (The "WoRM"), a creative way to organize and teach Sunday School. Visit our Bible story lesson forums. View our creative Writing Team Lesson Sets. Explore our 24 downloadable Bible story software programs. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. Learn more about our volunteer-led, ecumenical, non-profit, ad-free resource ministry!
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