Writing Team
The Story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz
Lesson Summaries
Welcome to an overview and links to the lessons in the Writing Team's Ruth lesson set. The Bible Background is open to all. Our Ruth-faithful Supporting Members can view, download, and/or print the lesson plans, their resources, and the Ruth Storybook we created for this set. Go where Supporting Members go! Join today.
Scripture for the Set:
The Book of RuthBecause we wanted to teach Ruth's whole story, and not just part of it, we created an abbreviated and illustrated kid-friendly Ruth Storybook based on the NIV and illustrated with the artwork of John August Swanson. The storybook's PDF is designed to be displayed on a big screen or printed out in color. Several of the lessons in this set creatively integrate the reading of the Storybook with activities. Each page of the Storybook includes additional questions and insights into the story. Check out this sample of how we made the opening of Ruth 3 simpler for kids to read and shorter.
Bible Background and Lesson Objectives
Read our teacher-friendly Bible Background for all sorts of insights and relevant teachable details! It is especially helpful in explaining the special Hebrew title that describes Boaz's responsibilities—a title which the NIV properly translates as "Guardian-Redeemer."
The Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz Paint and Printmaking Art Workshop
In this lesson, your students will learn and express key ideas and understandings about the story through a feather-point Bible study and feather painting and printmaking project.
Yes, feathers! This biblical imagery is found twice in the Book of Ruth and in many other scriptures, expressing the protection that God and godly people like Boaz and Ruth and us provide for one another. See the Bible Background and Art Workshop lesson plan for more details about this memorable insight!
A Tasty Ruth Story Cooking Workshop
Students help prepare and taste specific foods associated with key moments and meanings in the Story of Ruth. Definitely a "taste and see" kind of lesson! Alternative tasty food suggestions are included (for your picky eaters).
Ruth's Instagram ~ A Photo Drama Workshop
Between your camera and our Instagram-inspired "photo booth" lesson, your kids are going to have a great time exploring Ruth's story and capturing some memorable and discussable key moments and comments—and putting them on Ruth's Instagram page! #CommitmentLikeRuth #GuardianRedeemersRule!
Ruth and Naomi's "Geo Journey" Workshop
In this location-stations journey, your kids will travel from Moab, cross the Dead Sea, stop in the En Gedi oasis, and climb the Ascent of Ziz to arrive in Bethlehem. Along the way, they'll explore the story, participate in activities, and enjoy video and photos of these places as they appear today using QR Codes embedded in the station signs.
A Magnet Science-Inspired Storytelling Workshop
The magnet connection seems obvious when you think of the key verse, "Where you go I will go." But did you know cereal has iron in it too? Your kids will see it AND see the point at the end of this lesson! This workshop has the kids telling Ruth's story with magnets in an engaging way.
Guardians of the Galaxy (and each other) Video Workshop
We've chosen two great (and free) videos for this lesson. One that retells the story of Ruth in a kid-friendly way, and a second that reflects on the meaning of "Guardian-Redeemer"—the Hebrew title given to Boaz that also describes Ruth's character. This second video uses a movie clip of Groot, everyone's favorite character in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, who acts to Guard and Redeem others. See the Bible Background for more on this amazing phrase.
Story of Ruth Bible App Workshop
You'll download SunScool, the wonderful free Bible app for kids that works on all kinds of tablets, cellphones, and computers, and go with your students through the story with its many many onscreen activities. Along with a lesson plan, we've written a special navigation guide filled with teaching tips for this terrific Bible app, including which settings are best for your younger and older students.
Pre-K resources, books, videos, and more! Our Team always comes up with more good stuff than it can use.
What's all this about "Guardians" and "Guardian-Redeemer"?
Guardian-Redeemer (Gaw-al' in Hebrew) is the title and responsibility used to describe Boaz EIGHT TIMES in the Book of Ruth. It's also a title used 34 times by Isaiah to describe the redeeming acts of God. Our lessons also make the point that Ruth acted as a Guardian and Redeemer, and we should be Guardian-Redeemers too! Each lesson in this set teaches about this special title and the responsibility it calls us to. Read more about "Guardian-Redeemer" in our Bible Background and lesson plans.
P.S. The NIV is the only English translation that gets Boaz' Hebrew title RIGHT. Many simply translated Gaw-al' as "close relative."
Writing Team members for this set:
- Meghan Adrian, writer
- Joe Bruce, writer
- Samantha "Sam" Corcoran, writer
- Ian Grimm, writer
- Dena Kitchens, writer
- Luanne Payne, writer
- Neil MacQueen, lead writer, team leader and organizer
- Amy Crane and Robin Stewart, editors and brainstormers
Our group comes from 7 different denominations and includes Christian educators, volunteer teachers, and ministers. Learn more about the Writing Team.
Sponsors of this set:
It takes a lot of staff time to work with our volunteer writers and editors, polish their lessons, graphics, and handouts, and get the creative results posted to the web. In addition to our Supporting Members, the following people made an "over and above" donation to support this lesson set's development:
Julie Burton
- Amy Crane
- Chris Barrett Epstein
- Carol Hulbert
- Janet Krail
- Katherine Pettis Lockman
- Neil MacQueen
- Richard Parker
- Joanne Payne
- Luanne Payne
- Debbie Rowe
- Beth Tobin
Join them today by making a donation to support our work!
...and get your name added to the list.