This topic is collecting Drama, Newsroom, Puppets, Storytelling Workshop lesson plans and ideas pertaining to Zaccheus. Luke 19: 1-10
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Be sure to see our Writing Team's set of six creative Zaccheus lessons!
A Zaccheus Drama Workshop Lesson
from St. Paul Lutheran Mason City, Iowa
with additional improvements from the team!
Scripture Reference: Luke 19: 1-10
This lesson re-enacts the story using a fun script that expresses for children more of the meaning and Zaccheus' joy in the story. Adapt the script with your great ideas and actions.
Leader Preparation:
- Either use a real tree at your church (as the writer of this lesson originally did) or use a step ladder wrapped in butcher paper to be the trunk (with cutouts for the steps) and draw the branches and crown of the tree on paper hanging behind the ladder.
- Read the scripture ahead of time and print copies of the script.
Lesson Plan
Greet your students and introduce yourself. Explain what they'll be doing and learning today.
There are several ways you can do this drama:
1. Assign roles and handout scripts.
2. Assign all the spoken parts to "narrators" and have the "actors" do the action and REPEAT what the narrator says (fun). Doing it this way you can repeat the script/drama more than once (which is good) so that students can take turns becoming the actors and readers. It also makes this lesson work with non-readers or shy students.
“Zacchaeus, You Come Down!”Narrator 1: Here is Zacchaeus. (Enter Zach) He works for the Romans as a tax collector and everyone thinks he's a cheat and a bad man. He’s also short. (Zach squats down to be short)
Narrator 2: Here is Jesus. (Enter Jesus surrounded by a crowd). He is gaining in popularity because people think he might be the Messiah, the one to throw the Romans out of Israel. They have seen and heard that he does miracles. Is he the one?
Zacchaeus: I can’t see! I can’t see! (Jump up and down to see) I want to meet the Messiah too!
I’m going to climb this tree so I can see Jesus. (Climbs tree)
Jesus: Zacchaeus!
Zaccheus: Me?
Jesus: Yes you! Why don't you come down out of that tree. I want to go spend some time at your house today (Zach climbs down)
Narrator 1: Zacchaeus climbed down very excited. And when he got down he very excitedly greeted Jesus. Some might call it "joy"!
Narrator 2: But then the crowd started to grumble. How can Jesus be the Messiah and yet want to hang out with SINNERS like Zaccheus? Sounds like a fraud to me!
Zacchaeus: Seeing that the crowd was turning on Jesus, Zaccheus said to Jesus in front of everyone, "I give half of my money to the poor and if I have cheated ANYONE, I will repay them four times as much!"
Narrator 1: The crowd grew silent and looked at each other in disbelief. Did they really hear what they just heard? And what would Jesus say now?
Jesus: Listen everybody! TODAY salvation and healing has come to this man's house, and I declare that HE TOO is a son of Abraham. He is just as much a part of God's family as any of YOU!
Narrator 2: The crowd sucked in their breath in amazement! and said, "Zaccheus the sinner is one of us? How can this be?"
Jesus: Because everyone sins, and I have come to save the sinners and the lost. Every single one (he said as he pointed to everyone in the crowd).
Narrator: So Jesus and Zaccheus started walking to Zach's home, but along the way they started to talk.
Zaccheus: Now what Jesus? How do you think my life should change? How will it be different? Will the people of Jericho still think I'm a crook? How can I show them I've changed?
Jesus: THOSE are very good questions! But why don't you start with something simple like this: treat others as I have treated you. Love and accept people even though they are sinners.
Zaccheus: Awesome! (Zaccheus turned a joyful cartwheel and somersault, then Jesus did the same.)
Let's each try our favorite somersault or cartwheel or jump for joy and see who does a great job of expressing Zaccheus' JOY, as the scripture says, upon being greeted and accepted by Jesus.
Does your faith every feel "excited" and "joyful" like Zaccheus' did according to the scripture?
Do you feel excited and joyful when you come here to learn more about him? How could you be more excited?
How can you share and show to others that joy of knowing you and they are loved by God?